The Professor Faheem Hussain Student Conference Program
COVID-19 UPDATE: We are now supporting both in-person and virtual attendance at conferences. For in-person attendees, all regular program conditions are applicable. For virtual conferences, the SAPF student conference grant will cover fees related to virtually presenting a scientific paper at a conference (such as the registration fee and/or presenter fee). Students who receive this grant are expected to remotely attend the entire conference in addition to presenting their work.
Today's students are tomorrow's leaders. South Asia's scientists and engineers will increasingly be in significant positions to contribute to peace, prosperity and stability in the region. The South Asian Physics Foundation recognizes the importance of supporting international scientific conferences as a venue for constructive collaboration among physics professionals.
This program offers a unique opportunity for South Asian physics students to broaden their experience by presenting a scientific paper or poster at a physics or physics-related conference in a South Asian country other than that of the student's university or citizenship. The countries served by this program are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The program is open to all South Asian undergraduate or graduate students in any field of physics who are currently attending university in a South Asian country. Students must be the author or co-author of a paper, in any subfield of physics, that is accepted by an appropriate scientific conference. The students must present the papers themselves (it is not admissible to just attend the conference with an adviser or other collaborator who gives the talk). If the presentation is in the form of a poster session instead of a talk, the student must prepare the poster and attend the session.
Students are responsible for registering for the conference, obtaining any necessary visas or permits and making their own travel arrangements. SAPF will fund the student's travel, registration and lodging. Meals and other incidental expenses are not covered.
To apply, please send a completed application and supporting materials to Applications are accepted at any time, but should be submitted at least two months before the start of the conference to be attended.
Applications will be reviewed by our evaluation committee of distinguished physicists. Students whose papers are selected will receive funding to attend the entire conference, present their research, and fully take part in accompanying professional activities.
In addition, all participants are required to write a brief, one or two paragraph summary of their experience at the conference, describing how it was valuable to them and giving any other useful comments or suggestions. This feedback is essential for this innovative new program.
We welcome students' applications at any time. There is also a flyer (in two versions, at the left) that can be downloaded for display on a department bulletin board or other venue.
About Professor Hussain
Professor Faheem Hussain was a prominent Pakistani theoretical physicist
who held positions at a number of institutions including Quaid-i-Azam
University, the University of Chicago, and the Abdus Salam International
Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. At the time of his death
in September 2009 he was a faculty member at the Lahore University of
Management Sciences. Professor Hussain's distinguished career included two
key roles at the Abdus Salam ICTP: coordinating the Diploma Programme for
pre-doctoral students and heading the Office of External Activities. In
both capacities he greatly contributed to furthering research and education
in developing countries. Professor Hussain most generously shared his
extensive experience and expertise with SAPF to help establish the student
conference program and serve on its committee. His enthusiasm and efforts
for promoting physics, advancing science and providing new opportunities
for deserving students have touched so many people. He will be sorely